November 4, 2009


And I'm dying everyday.
I'm beginning to like it.
The love dripping off of your lips like raindrops off of telephone wire.
It hurts so bad, just like I knew that it would.
Like pouring antiseptic onto a wound.
Like walking inside from a blistering cold to warmth, the burning that comes with life.

I'm dying to you. You're healing me.
Why are you wasting time on a zombie like me?
I really don't want to know the answer, I just know I don't want you to stop.

After so much... after slitting open my soul every single day for so long...
It's so nice to find someone willing to pour theirs into me.
50% 50%...
Who knew?

You don't take away the sadness for what was. You don't make me stop thinking about what could have been, what should have been. But oh darling do you make me believe that it was worth something... That I'm worth something.

I would have never guessed... That I was worth as much as you say I am.
Thank you.

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