October 4, 2009

An Introduction.

So many times in life, we are all pelted with ideas. You know, radiation is given off by everything, and we're hit by ideas much in the same way as radiation. Constantly. Incessantly. Naturally. Inherently. We can't live without them. Writing, especially on this subject, is an idea that is very close to my heart. One of those things that keeps me going. A quirk. However, I kept telling myself that there were enough voices. That the chorus singing right now was big enough. Almost in the same breath, I thought of how stupid that thought was. There will never be too many voices shouting out hope. You never know which voice one person will find beauty in. Will see past the vibratos and the words into the passion of the thing, see past the music into what the soul is. What hope is. I want that. I want my words, the ones issued so feverishly from my pen, to give you hope. I've seen, so many ugly times, the dark corners and the monsters that dwell there. I know, my darling, I know. I want you, whether we are best friends or have never met before. Whether we live across the street or half a world a way; I want you to benefit from those times. To draw what you can from them.

That's my purpose. Why I started The Scalpel. In a living room in Connecticut, surrounded by my fellow beings in various stages of being split up and sewn back, I had this idea. I wanted to share with you. To show you, that no matter how far away we are, we are close. This one thread that binds us. To tell you, if no one else will, that you are not alone and there are people that love you. People willing to spill their guts on the living room carpet for you. That you are worth it. That you are an original and a carbon copy is worthless.

Never before have words flowed from my fingertips. Have I cared so much about what I am writing. This is only the beginning, for both of us. We have such a huge step to take. I promise, I pinky swear, that I will hold your hand. I am here for you. We can do this together.

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