October 4, 2009


I find, often times, that English is a desensitized language. It usually loses some nuances, some things that show a lot about human beings. That is why, when I find a thing that makes an impact with words, it is, ninety percent of the time, in another language. They are so much more full and bold than English often times is. This means that we have to work a lot harder to make our points.

In Spanish, there are two words I'm going to talk about. What do you think of when you say "hope" in English? Do you think of something painful, or a happy go-lucky girl that plays hard to get? Spanish, I find, breaks this connotation that hope is always happy, and never for us. There is one verb, esperar, that means "to hope for", almost. But, the funny thing is it also means "to wait". Have you ever waited for something? For a brand new bicycle on your birthday? For a lover to come back to you? It hurts. You get anxious, it's an uncomfortable feeling. When people say "Have hope" they don't mean it's passive and unfeeling, just a lazy emotion. It takes work. But, we have to remember that it is worth it. My God, it is so worth it. Waiting for that bicycle makes playing with it so much more fun. Waiting for your lover makes the kiss hello, or welcome back so much more breathtaking. It hurts, it is uncomfortable, but you have to work for it. Push through. Imagine, if you will, your cells. There is a membrane protecting them, and it's only semipermeable. Only some things will let through. You are the same as your building blocks, as your cells. Only there is one thing amazing about your semipermeable membrane. Although some things will get through, you can fight them off. The best thing ever is that you choose what you can let through. You can choose hope. It will take work to mutate your membrane, but if you choose it and you actively choose it everyday... It will be so much better than anything you can imagine. It will be tiring at first, but training always is. Take it slow. One push up a day, then two, then three hundred eventually. You can do it. You can take this. Choose life. Wait. Hope for.

I love you. Tienen esperanza. Esperar. Esperar.
You've got this.
I have faith in you.

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